Did They Nerf Railgun Again Bf4
Sep 9th 2014 at 10:01:59 AM
Kinda makes me wonder just how are they going to explain the massive timeskip between the two games. BF 4 took place probably around 2018, but BF 2142 took place in, well... 2142. That's more than a 100 years difference, yet they're clearly showing modern tech!
Also, if they keep pulling out sweet stuff like this I just might finally make the jump to BF 4, about time they got creative and added in some cool shit!
edited 9th Sep '14 10:02:22 AM by SgtRicko
onyhow Too much adorableness from Land of the headpats Relationship Status: Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Too much adorableness
Sep 9th 2014 at 10:06:32 AM
Give me cute or give me...something?
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
Sep 9th 2014 at 10:10:21 AM
Interesting that there's no new guns found anywhere. There's another patch tomorrow, maybe we'll find it then.
There was something though, I hope you've all been keeping up with the Phantom assignments, seems there's going to be one more and we're getting a weapon of some kind as a reward.
Oh really when?
onyhow Too much adorableness from Land of the headpats Relationship Status: Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Too much adorableness
Sep 9th 2014 at 10:13:16 AM
Well there's bipod knife...
Give me cute or give me...something?
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
Sep 9th 2014 at 10:18:48 AM
I desperately hope it's the bipod knife. I've wanted that thing for god knows how long.
Oh really when?
Sep 9th 2014 at 10:19:49 AM
Wait... so that means the tech for the stuff in 2142's been around for years? Ok, it's gotta be an alternate timeline now, there's just no other way to explain it cause I'm fairly sure the Titans and mechs were all new tech even in 2142!
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
Sep 9th 2014 at 10:20:55 AM
Well the stuff in Final Stand looks to be prototypes and the like but that's still a hundred years gap.
Maybe all the R&D boys died in the second ice age.
Oh really when?
Sep 9th 2014 at 10:22:21 AM
I think we'll just have to settle for an alternate timeline then, it's the only reasonable explanation as of now (unless time travel all of a sudden pops up...)
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
Sep 9th 2014 at 3:19:21 PM
So bit of an update. If you've got CTE you can go play with some Final Stand stuff.
Hover tanks can't move their gun much as it's a fixed turret thing but can strafe and circle around and the like. Dunno about walkers but I did get something wrong the first time.
It uses the IFV TOW missiles and the like but it uses the Scout Helo's 25mm cannon as a damage model. Not the IFV cannon. That being said there looks like quite a few conflicting files on the walker so maybe it's final form, weapon and role hasn't been determined yet.
Oh and that Premium weapon I mentioned earlier? Lots of speculation seems to point to it being a bow of some kind. Maybe some kinda Crysis compound kinda shit. Eh, I loved the Xbow in Aftermath so this'll be nice.
Last thing, the Railgun has a fire delay of about two seconds to offset that obscene projectile velocity.
edited 9th Sep '14 3:19:33 PM by LeGarcon
Oh really when?
Krieger22 Causing freakouts over sourcing since 2018 from Malaysia Relationship Status: I'm in love with my car
Causing freakouts over sourcing since 2018
Sep 12th 2014 at 1:41:49 AM
Considered that Final Stand is set in Siberia, what if the places all the tech was kept in were the first to become frozen over during the Second Ice Age?
Or, of course, "new" actually means that it works reliably, doesn't break the bank to produce and is not semi-handmade by the time 2142 rolls around in-universe.
I have disagreed with her a lot, but comparing her to republicans and propagandists of dictatorships is really low. - An idiot
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
Sep 19th 2014 at 3:28:51 PM
Small battlelog announcement regarding the massive Fall Patch.
Rumor going around that the changes in the CTE and this patch are what the game was supposed to be like from day one. Supposedly EA rushed the game and bumped the release date up by almost a whole fucking year which is why it felt more like Battlefield 3.1 instead of a real sequel.
Now that DICE's main team is working with Visceral on Hardline it's left DICE's LA team to actually fix, and more importantly, finish the game. I'd expect lots more changes and patches to come along.
Also some big rumors of unannounced DLC to make up for it all too.
edited 19th Sep '14 3:43:32 PM by LeGarcon
Oh really when?
MajorTom Eye'm the cutest! Relationship Status: Barbecuing
Eye'm the cutest!
Sep 20th 2014 at 10:14:34 PM
^ Some of those balance tweaks make it look more like Battlefield 3.01.
"Allah may guide their bullets, but Jesus helps those who aim down the sights."
Sep 20th 2014 at 11:48:55 PM
Are they doing anything about how the vehicles need to "reload" after the first few shots? I found that new feature really annoying and pointless.
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
Sep 20th 2014 at 11:52:55 PM
Not sure. I know there's some bigger vehicle tweaks being worked on in the CTE but I haven't heard much about vehicles being changed in this particular patch.
There's going to be plenty more big ones like this though so we'll wait and see I suppose.
Oh really when?
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
Sep 30th 2014 at 5:45:25 AM
And the Fall CTE patch is now live. It's a couple gigs so it might take a little while.
DICE has kindly put up the patch notes and there's quite a comprehensive list here. No detail on the exact stats and numbers but you should all get the idea. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494051082340/
I linked all the gun changes but some other ones slipped by me. Apparently the HUD has been massively improved and grenades received a big nerf and it's now going to take a while to get more from ammo boxes. Lots of minor animation fixes and some rocket launcher changes. Mostly good stuff.
Supposedly this is the first of many patches that'll come as DICE gets more data from the CTE. Next one is supposedly going to be more teamwork based and then they're working on vehicles too. Promises of the attack helo no longer flying like a potato caught in heavy winds have me excited for that one.
And I haven't played any matches yet but dicking around in the Test Range, I gotta say that the gunplay is vastly improved. The removal of visual recoil is such a huge deal and the game is so much better off without it.
edited 30th Sep '14 6:03:59 AM by LeGarcon
Oh really when?
AnotherGuy Relationship Status: [TOP SECRET]
May 16th 2015 at 6:51:14 AM
May 17th 2015 at 4:28:38 PM
[[ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/news/ New Weapons and Gun Master Mode Coming in Spring Patch ]]
Given the latest news about the community being allowed to design their own map, the new night map variants, and the free guns being given out next patch, I must say I'm impressed at the new direction DICE is taking with the community. It's much more generous than their initial release was with new content. Kinda has me scratching my head as to what prompted this positive change of behavior, and if I should consider finally buying the game.
MajorTom Eye'm the cutest! Relationship Status: Barbecuing
Eye'm the cutest!
May 17th 2015 at 4:43:51 PM
Kinda has me scratching my head as to what prompted this positive change of behavior,
My guess? The game launched as a pile of shite, sold poor and the buggy and crashtastic nature of the pile of shite also killed off their multiplayer popularity.
Free content and letting the community (remnants) in is basically an Author's Saving Throw. An attempt to stem the bleeding and prevent a Franchise Killer.
"Allah may guide their bullets, but Jesus helps those who aim down the sights."
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
May 17th 2015 at 4:45:40 PM
Hardline is already dying out and it's taken far too long for BF4 to get to where it should have been.
That being said, the AN-94 and the Mare's Leg making their appearance is really making me want to reinstall it and give it one more try.
edited 17th May '15 4:45:53 PM by LeGarcon
Oh really when?
MajorTom Eye'm the cutest! Relationship Status: Barbecuing
Eye'm the cutest!
May 17th 2015 at 4:57:29 PM
^ Frankly the Mare's Leg probably won't be good enough to merit game sales. It'll probably fire far too slow with far too little of damage (especially against Defensive perk users e.g. everyone) with way too poor of accuracy.
The novelty of "Cowboy gun!" will wear off in about 5 minutes.
The AN-94 is gonna come pre-nerfed with either some hella recoil, hella bad accuracy, both, a huge ass FSRM, all of the previous and maybe a short range at that.
Especially considering it's the modded controller/hacker gun of choice in Battlefield 3 and a complete Game-Breaker if left like previous appearances.
"Allah may guide their bullets, but Jesus helps those who aim down the sights."
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Blowout soon fellow Stalker
May 17th 2015 at 5:01:47 PM
Not much could bring back game sales at this point. EA and Dice tried to push out too many in too short a time and now they all kinda suck.
What I think they need to do is just sit down for the next couple years and make Bad Company 3. Give it a proper and hilarious story and a solid multiplayer. Taking their time should be the most important part.
Oh really when?
MajorTom Eye'm the cutest! Relationship Status: Barbecuing
Eye'm the cutest!
May 17th 2015 at 5:13:15 PM
I think they should wait about 3 maybe 4 years at this point. Keep out and make a blockbuster game that sells millions upon millions rather than a 1-2 year cycle.
It doesn't even have to be Bad Company 3. Just something that isn't a pile of crap like BF 4. Hardline's better but it's hardly what you'd call an awesome game with great longevity and sales.
"Allah may guide their bullets, but Jesus helps those who aim down the sights."
TamH70 Relationship Status: Faithful to 2D
May 18th 2015 at 4:38:26 PM
I watched Angry Joe's review of Hardline. He gave it a pretty thorough kicking that no subsequent research I've done has been able to dismiss.
Thing is, EA is hooked on this two-yearly cycle for main installments of Battlfield, with dlc spread out to cover the gap, as seen here:
So you can expect another game in 2017.
MajorTom Eye'm the cutest! Relationship Status: Barbecuing
Eye'm the cutest!
May 18th 2015 at 6:58:55 PM
Assuming the new Battlefront game isn't a piece of shite and sinks DICE.
Rumors on X Box Live are that the new Battlefront is DICE's last chance in every conceivable way following the fuck up that is Battlefield 4. If it ain't a critical darling that sells well, DICE Stockholm basically goes bankrupt.
"Allah may guide their bullets, but Jesus helps those who aim down the sights."
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=13633851880A06843000&page=23
LeGarcon Blowout soon fellow Stalker from Skadovsk Relationship Status: Gay for Big Boss
Sep 9th 2014 at 9:57:14 AM
Offical trailer is out now.
Oh really when?